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iFAST学术报告——Jed Alan Fuhrman (美国南加州大学教授,美国艺术与科学院院士)
发布时间:2022-03-07  点击次数:

iFAST seminar

演讲人: Jed Alan Fuhrman (美国南加州大学教授,美国艺术与科学院院士)

时间:北京时间3月24日 周四早9点,美国东部时间周3月23日三上午9点

主题:Ecological patterns of marine bacteria, archaea, protists and viruses over large temporal and spatial scales

Zoom链接:https://zoom.us/j/93481422012 (无须注册)


Ecological patterns of marine bacteria, archaea, protists and viruses over large temporal and spatial scales

Professor Fuhrman will discuss results of several years of studies to investigate fundamental questions about the dynamics, distributions and interactions among marine microorganisms of all types – Bacteria, Archaea, protists and viruses. Much of the work will center on results from the 20-year San Pedro Ocean Time Series, and recent application of whole-community molecular genetic analyses. Topics will include discussion of methodological advances, such as quantitative validation of “universal rRNA primers” with 3-domain mock communities and metagenomes, and improvement of the estimation of taxon-specific maximum growth rates based on codon usage bias (including from ‘omics data). Results from field studies include interannual stability and repeating seasonal patterns in community composition of prokaryotes and viruses (much more so than protists), surprising rapid succession of phytoplankton during a spring bloom, and Red Queen dynamics in viruses in which the same “species” persist at comparable abundances for years while consisting of a succession of exact sequence variants, each lasting only months

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